Friday, July 31, 2009

Here we go

Vincent started crawling on Monday, July 27th... It took until now to get pics of it. He is great at STOPPING as soon as he sees the camera.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

the son

I have 2 boys. They both have a Biblical name as part of their name.

Isaiah Marcos & Vincent Levi.

I was looking in the Bible today, looking for a "photo op" of their names... This is what I found! I'm thinking about framing them for their rooms.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Double take

I was posting a comment on a friend's blog today. It asked for that silly "Prove you're not a computer" word I have to type in. That gal and I belong to the same website as another friend...

The screen name of the mutual friend, on a website we all belong to:

The word:

And the wrestling begins

This was actually on Monday, July 27

The Rash

Healthy Choices?

"Food?" because I'm not sure anything on that plate, aside from the carrots, qualify as actual FOOD. This was my lunch yesterday. Some of you know that I want to lose weight. THIS is not conducive to my goals!!!! Better choices today!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bonfire Party

We went to a bonfire party Saturday, July 25th. There was day-time ocean swimming, and night-time fire fun. I learned something new about my camera that night... there is a "Creative Lighting"feature that changes the image of the glow of still lights. Here are a few of the fun pics with the newly found feature... and one of the fire.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Iwill confess: these pitures are from 6/26/09.... but I finally did something with them!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Love you mama!

Vincent was being silly the morning of July 5th. What a ham!

4th of July

In a hurry, we grabbed the things we need for going to the same spot we sit most year to watch the fireworks show. It was about 30 minutes until show time, so I did a quick diaper change, grabbed the bottle, and threw a few things under the stroller for "just in case". But- I forgot to grab the camera! So, we sat on the grassy knoll watching the show, and the camera sat quietly ignored in the van. However, when we got home, someone thought he was too hungry to go to sleep, so I made him a PBJ... And this is what happened!

what this blog is for

I have a group of friends that are doing "Photo365" where you take a picture every day for a year. Let's face it, I'm not that commited! So, I am doing a spin off- Photo52: one picture a week. I MAY post more than that, but I plan to post at least one a week. Some may be weird things like a picture of my messy yard. Others may be of my kids, or dog, or a fire... or even ME! But, they will all be taken by me. So- now I need to go take some pics and get them posted here! :D

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fun at the jetties

Mark had an extra day off, so we went to the jetties at low tide on July 6th. There are a few pictures from this day. ;o)